Friday, September 13, 2024
HomeChristian ReligiousGod will NEVER give up on you

God will NEVER give up on you

In our society today, there is a characteristic that is not common to most people – perseverance! In serving the Lord there are also those who struggle with this as well, as they don’t want to be strong when life gets difficult for them. The human default reaction to difficult times in life is to give up & go another direction. But if you are going to succeed in life, if you are going to succeed in your Christian walk you have to have the intestinal fortitude to face tough times & NOT give up and give in into your fears.

We all live by a different set of circumstances. It is NOT our circumstances that determine our accomplishments, it is our REACTION to these circumstances. Much of the time, our setbacks are beyond our control, and other times, they are simply a consequence of our actions and choices.

We are raised in privileged homes, single-parent homes, faith-filled homes and homes without God. Structured homes and chaotic homes, homes full of addiction and dysfunction and homes full of grace and love. Often, we live in a home that is many of these things combined.

As we go through our lives, there are times we look to God and say, “I just don’t understand!” Perhaps we have experienced times when we feel as though everything is against us and we wonder if we will ever “catch a break.” There are other times when it feels as though we can’t lose. Do you think God loves you less than the family next door because they seem to have it all together and you seem to be swimming against the current?

Many Christians feel confused: God is love and He is almighty, so why does He allow us to suffer? Could it be that He has abandoned us? This question always used to puzzle me, but lately, through prayer and seeking, I’ve gained a bit of enlightenment and light. This has resolved my misunderstandings of God, and I’ve come to understand that suffering is not God casting us aside, but instead is very carefully arranged by God in order to purify and save us. These trials and refinement are God’s greatest grace for us!

I can assure you my friends that God loves us all. He loves us when we are sad, happy, frustrated, angry, positive and full of hope. What He wants for us is our faith in Him and His power to provide for us. God doesn’t expect us to have it all together, He simply expects us to trust that He does.

When we wait on God’s timing and trust in His guidance, we are going to have the strength to face any storm, we will be given wings to soar over it, endurance to run through it, & perseverance to come out on the other side victorious! Don’t allow the enemy to convince you that ‘giving up’ is even an option! Stay tuned into God’s direction for your life by abiding in His Word & staying close in prayer & listening for His voice to guide your steps.

Man jumping over precipice between two rocky mountains at the sunset. Freedom, risk, challenge, success.


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