If you’re a Christian, can you remember what it was like when you first asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior? who is Jesus Christ our Savior. For many Christians today, their faith is not the same as it used to be. They feel distant, lukewarm, and ineffective for the Kingdom. The good news is, we don’t have to stay that way! There is a cure if you have forgotten your first love. There is hope. It comes in three simple steps: “remember, repent, and return.”
Remember the threefold prescription of our Savior: remember, repent, and return. May God grant that we might remember our first love and from whence we are fallen. What a tragic term “fallen” is. You are a fallen woman … a fallen man. You have fallen from your first love. Repent from your spiritual apathy. Return to your first love for Jesus. Remember … Repent … Return.
Christians need to remember why Jesus came and what He did for all people – if they choose to follow Him. We need to remember that we go to church/worship to honor Him. And we should never expect other Christians to be “perfect” human beings and flawless
I don’t know about you, but it is easy to allow your mind to go in the wrong direction. Do you ever have a problem with that? That’s why John was saying in today’s verse, “Keep on repenting.” You never get through with repenting. Some of us say, “I repented in 1964 and it still stands.” No! A lot of water has gone underneath your bridge since 1964. Allow your testimony to be up to date where you remain in that position of saying, “Lord, I want my mind and my behavior to align with you.” Repent! If you want to fall in love again, acknowledge your sin, change your mind, and head in the opposite direction.
If we can catch ourselves and repent from the “small sins”—such as an unkind word or a covetous thought or a missed opportunity to witness or serve, then the return is not so hard. If we do not heed the Holy Spirit and instead we let things slide, we become backslidden, and the return is much harder. If we live in daily repentance, we will continue in His light.