Wednesday, January 15, 2025
HomeStoriesThe adorable pregnant pig escapes from the farm to save her babies!

The adorable pregnant pig escapes from the farm to save her babies!

There is nothing in this world that can match a mother’s love! And the love between mother and child is definitely the strongest force on earth. Mothers will do anything to protect their children. No matter how difficult it is.

But how this future mother decided to protect her unborn children is an unprecedented story. A pregnant pig escaped from a factory farm to safely deliver her young.

Anna Aston was walking her dog in a forest near Nottingham, England, when she was surprised to see a mother pig and her newborn piglets. At first she thought they might be wild pigs, but she soon realized they were farm pigs. It was then that Anna realized that it was a very unusual situation.

“I knew they weren’t wild boar; they just looked like ordinary pigs,” the woman told BBC.

“I was thinking, ‘This isn’t right’. You just don’t get them in a wood.”

Acting for the safety of the little piglets and their mother, Anna called Brinsley Animal Rescue. The next day Jon Beresford and Beth Hewis went to the test.

“We found she had escaped from an adjacent pig farm and had her babies in the woods,” Jon told The Dodo.

“The babies looked well, but she was thin and able to graze but not forage for food as she had a ring through her nose.”

However, it was such a surprise that she escaped from a farm, so they couldn’t pick them up and take them to the shelter.

“She had the maternal drive to escape and save her babies, but we couldn’t just collect them,” Jon said.

“Ultimately, we needed the consent of the owners.”

But finding their owners was an impossible task. But fortunately for all involved, a happy ending was achieved as a result of hard work.

Eventually, after Matilda and her babies are taken back to the farm, she and her babies find a place to live safely for the rest of their lives.

“Matilda & her eight piglets have spent the first night of freedom with us resting,” the animal rescue wrote on Facebook.

“She is such a good mother too them, now she no-longer needs to worry about their plight.”

According to, Nature Knows

(Photo right to original owner)



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